The Science of Teamwork

Are you interested in developing motivated committed teams?
Do you struggle to get your teams to reach agreement?
How can a Leader get the most from his/her team, even in times of trouble?

If we invite you to an event where we will share with you knowledge, methods and exercises to create a strong, happy and active team, would you join us?

After great success with “The Art Of Communication” workshop, all about communication and public speaking, LDP returns to Paris again!  This time for it’s second edition aiming at helping you turn individuals into effective teams.

The topics we will tackle are:
– Self and Group Motivation
– Performance Management
– Group Dynamics
– Team roles
– Team building

Over a week-end, on 23 and 24 June 2012, we will develop the skills that will help you create and strengthen a team while empowering all its members.

Next to achieving tasks, developing individuals and building & maintaining teams are key activities expected of Leaders; building trust and care for your team members and providing an environment which will support their personal development will empower them will empower individuals and the whole team, increasing the odds for a positive outcome.

Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.
Henry Ford


Leadership Development Program: The Science of Teamwork will allow you to analyse, practice and design your interaction with your current and future teams.

One more thing…

See you soon…